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Review by golfgirl

In this book they try to save their village from the Golem. I liked the magic powers the kids used.

Jul 06, 2016 10:09 PM
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Review by Morrigan

Once I started to read this amazing and fantastic book, I was sucked right in. I could not stop thinking about Jordan and the Dreadful Golem! I hope I can read it again soon!

Jul 06, 2016 09:26 PM
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Kinda weird, although exciting

Review by Theamazthingthing

Jordan and the Dreadful Golem was exciting and fun to read, although Jordan got into a lot of trouble and threw his brother under the bus (not literally). He really was embarrassed when he flirted with Ellah though and that wasn't fun. I would really recommend this to a conservative jew who likes all genres. But I think they should add the pronunciations in though. I thought Chaim was pronounced something totally different! its hard to say, so ask yer mom. If i could recommend this book to an age level, i would choose 9+. Definitely a really good book for most people!

Jun 12, 2016 01:04 PM
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it was awesome

Review by bice

this book has to be the choice that you make!!!

Jun 06, 2016 07:16 PM
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I could not put this down!

Review by bluecat

I am a very Jewish person, and Jordan's tale really taught me history about Judaism. I could not stop reading it, at breakfast, at dinner, at a restaurant, during homework, in the car, at my dance studio, to my stuffed animals, Jordan and his friends reached out and grabbed my heart as I read this book! I think you will love this book as much as me! Read Jordan and The Dreadful Golem!

Jun 01, 2016 07:14 PM