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Review by MIPROBOT

I almost died when reading the funny parts!

Jul 01, 2019 08:46 PM
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Awesome book!

Review by Maxia

When I looked at this book, I was like, I think this will be good. But it wasn’t just good, it was amazing!😀

Jul 01, 2019 05:55 PM
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It super interesting

Review by Brikitty


Jun 11, 2019 05:20 PM
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Review by Sushicat


Jun 09, 2019 11:13 PM
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good nuff'

Review by mathnut

I liked it lots, but i'm a boy so I couldn't make connections with the main character. it was still pretty good. If yer a girl, good choice. if youre a schoolboy-kind-of boy, you might like it. if you're a gamer-xbox-football boy, you probably won't like it. y'know. 'nuff said.

Jun 08, 2019 07:41 PM