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Review by LadybugTX

this book was so bad that it hardly deserves 1 star. this book is made up of poems, and I read it in ten minutes. You should NEVER EVER EVER EVER get this book because of how horrible it is!!!!!!!!!

Jul 08, 2018 09:21 AM
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Review by supercurlygirl

This is about a girl who sticks out of her family, and it is told by her perspective. This book made me realize who everyone is different and has different personalities. I really felt like I had become a character in the story. Thank you so much PJ library and Betsy R. Rosenthal -Ella

Jul 02, 2018 02:02 PM
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Review by Cupcake24

Looking For Me was an amazing book! The way that the author told the story made me really feel that I was part of the Paul family. I totally recommend this book!

Jun 04, 2018 10:00 PM
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Amazing Book

Review by sarahj1

This book was all about a girl who is stuck RIGHT in the middle of a Jewish family. Yes, this book is a little sad but, it also has a lot of fun and laughter too. I hope u chose to read this book! :)

Jun 04, 2018 08:05 PM
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great book

Review by pjandme

It was a little hard to understand and its very short. Otherwise, great book.

Jun 03, 2018 04:43 PM