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It was okay

Review by Princessbutterfly

I have 5 siblings so that part was interesting but I didn’t like the poem part

Oct 04, 2020 01:27 PM
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Looking for me

Review by Ilovejackys

It was a good book but I like it in written form better than in poem form

Oct 01, 2020 09:22 PM
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Review by unikittybites

I'm giving this book 5 stars, not because i liked it but because i didn't not like it compared to some other books i've read that have poems in them. The story line was good but i wish we knew more about her. All we know about her is that she has 12 brothers and sisters, her name is Edith, and life is boring at her house. And they tell you all that in the description. And i have read it but i still can't tell you guys anymore about her. Not because it would be a "spoiler" but because, I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE ABOUT HER! They don't tell you like, ANYTHING. If i was supposed to tell someone exactly what this girls was like and what her life was like, i would have to say. "She's a girl named Edith, with 12 brothers and sisters, a family babysitter...." What i'm trying to say is that, i wish we knew more about her and less her family and their problems.

Sep 08, 2020 09:10 AM
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Looking for me-a great book!

Review by whiterose

I did not think I was going to like this book, but it turns out I did! I love how this book uses poems to illustrate the story! I do not live in a big family, but this book made me really Picture it!

Sep 07, 2020 09:12 AM
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Review by booklover1


Sep 04, 2020 06:08 PM