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So good!

Review by JuniorVet

It's cool how Mitzvah can understand English, even though he get's mixt up sum time's!

Aug 07, 2022 08:45 PM
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Review by funnybone

I love this book!!!

Aug 07, 2022 12:27 PM
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Mitzvah The Mutt

Review by Jojo_bookworm

Mitzvah the mutt is such a great book. I loved reading it and now my brother is reading it! The pictures of Mitzvah in the book are so cute and they’re drawn so well!

Aug 06, 2022 09:38 AM
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(: (:

Review by izzykizzy

great book very funny very short

Aug 06, 2022 09:25 AM
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Very nice story

Review by Ewo745

I liked when he tasted the food and didn't like it, and the time he ate food and it was spicy.

Aug 06, 2022 12:05 AM