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Review by FreeTime

too scary and a cliffhanger

Mar 04, 2019 05:56 PM
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Not like Harry Potter at all! So much better!

Review by ARJBFF

Feb 23, 2019 07:55 AM
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Very good

Review by ARJBFF

One Harry Potter is NOT that great Two it is not a boring book Three it is a good, suspenseful book. I like that.

Feb 23, 2019 07:52 AM
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I just couldn't...

Review by awesomeddolphin

I don't care if it is the Jewish Harry Potter, I tried to read it and I just could not get anywhere with it. I pick it up once in a while, and put it down 5 minutes later.

Feb 02, 2019 12:41 PM
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This book was a great read and has lots of twists and turns. It is set in the 1900s

Review by legomaster9

Dec 03, 2018 09:15 PM