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OK but REALLY WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Review by BooksRAwesome

This book kinda freaked me out a little and it was REALLY WEIRD this book had no meaning to me it was just a hole lot of weirdness after weirdness you might not like it.

Jan 03, 2017 11:57 AM
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Review by superawesome

This book is about a kid named Dahlia who loves doing magic tricks. She promised her parents to go to this camp in order to go to math camp. Then she started having visions and dreams and was seeing things like ghosts and stuff like that. Overall it's a pretty good book, but some parts are creepy and violent. Type: Scary Fantasy Age: 10+

Jan 02, 2017 12:50 PM
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It's okay?

Review by etzchaim

I read this book the day it arrived, and I was a little disappointed in it. It kind of freaked me out at first, and it isn't really my type of book. So, if you like fictional, fun books I don't really recommend this book to you! But, if you like kinda freaky stories then go ahead try it out no one is stopping you.

Dec 10, 2016 08:21 PM
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Awesome, Interesting, Kinda Creepy

Review by ZumaLuma

This book is a mix of fantasy, adventure, and a lot of suspense! If you like ghosts, golems, and a lot of other super natural stuff, this will a great book for you!!!!!!!!

Dec 10, 2016 07:40 PM
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Kind of creepy...but SOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!

Review by firebolt

This book is really good but kind of creepy. If you like ghosts, magic, or horror stories, this is the book for you!

Dec 06, 2016 06:14 PM