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Really good

Review by Cuddles1

I like this book because it taught me that people in Russia back then did not know what oranges were.

Aug 10, 2017 11:15 AM
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Great for world war history buffs

Review by Bookworm2008

This book is great for advanced readers and in some parts of the it is sad but it has a happy ending. I really like this book, I would read it again!

Aug 07, 2017 07:21 PM
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I liked this book.

Review by shmuel

This book is sad but good I Learned alot about how life was for Jews in russia and how hard it was to get to America.

Aug 07, 2017 06:25 PM
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Review by Lovekitties

Aug 07, 2017 02:49 PM
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Review by SoccerTumble

Letters from rifka was sad and adventurous she goes to different countries and still goes by Jewish rituals. Rifka is not only brave but she is strong. It really made me feel and understand how hard and bad it was for Jewish escaping hideous Russia. I am not a person that likes books writen like letters but it was an amazing book anyways. If you dont like books in letters I wouldn't recommend the book for you the book is fully letters.

Aug 05, 2017 08:41 PM