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Fun Puzzles and More

Review by HRebeccaW

When I first found out about PJ Our Way, this was the book I wanted to get. When it finally was a choice, I picked it. It has a lot of fun stuff to do in it. It's my favorite book that I have gotten so far! You should definitely read it.

Jan 01, 2024 07:30 PM
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Puzzle Tov!

Review by TerrificTT

Very HARD!!!! good luck with THIS 1!

Jan 01, 2024 03:43 PM
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Review by UpperKat

The best RIDDLES & JOKES you'll find

Dec 25, 2023 01:48 PM
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Pretty Cool!

Review by EnolaHolmes

It was fun, but a couple of the puzzles were really obscure and didn't make a lot of sense. This is just what happened to me, so you might enjoy it ;)

Dec 21, 2023 05:38 PM
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Puzzle Tov

Review by pajaritos

So good I also told my parents this one A non-observent Jewish cow boy rode into town on shabbat.He stayed in town for three days and then rode out of town on Shabbat. How is this possible ? So the book was very good to read 😆 READ THIS BOOK !!!!!!!

Dec 19, 2023 10:19 PM