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Very good

Review by lbs

I learned so much about Albert Einstein in this book. A fun fact is that he didn't were socks

Oct 01, 2023 04:19 PM
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Very Interesting🥰

Review by 348838285

I loved the book! I learned so much from it about Albert Einstein. I didn't know that Albert was Jewish. He had so much to experience in his life, like the world war 1 and the world war 2! So many. I thought that Albert liked all the subjects. Until I read this book and figured out that he liked Math and Science the most. It was sad when he and his wife died.....

Sep 24, 2023 07:19 PM
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Historical and sad

Review by ESparrow

This book was interesting, but I felt bad that his wife left him and I feel bad that Hitler hated them all, but, I did learn how he lived his life. Momma use to talk about Albert Einstein, so I chose this book because Momma had told me about it. It's a pretty good book.

Sep 19, 2023 07:25 PM
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Interesting book

Review by Monkey26

I recommend this book. I learned cool things about Albert Einstein including that he won the Nobel Prize.

Sep 17, 2023 07:45 AM
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Jewish Genius

Review by Snakes

Glad I got this book. I never knew he was jewish. Alber Einstein and I are alot alike in some ways.

Sep 01, 2023 12:11 PM