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Review by QJM

This book was an inspiration, it showed the love of a wife and how she never gave up. Natan and his are heros to so many.

Jul 11, 2024 10:34 AM
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Standing Together the true story of Natan Sharansky

Review by MAF

This amazing book was so good! I loved that it was a true story about a courageous Jewish man that fought for his people’s rights. So if you like non-fiction books that tell you about a slice of Jewish history, then get this book. I highly recommended it! It’s definitely a page-turner!

Jul 09, 2024 08:56 PM
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Review by GreatScorerPanda

I liked this book because it was a story about standing strong.

Jul 08, 2024 02:58 PM
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good so far

Review by Connor

I havn't finished the book yet, but it seems like a great book. It's a cliff hanger. Just as good as holes.

Jul 06, 2024 09:45 PM
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Really interesting👍

Review by SKambourHolt

Standing Together was really good!I liked how they added photos and facts.✔️ I definitely recommend 💯

Jul 03, 2024 08:17 PM