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I loved this book!

Review by NationalDesignTeam

I liked that it felt like a Jewish Laura Ingall's Wilder book. I also liked that Shoshana wasn’t perfect and how she didn’t get along with her sister Libke perfectly, like in some other old timey books. It made them feel more real and relatable. It was a really engaging story. And all of the events built on each other making it really interesting. It also had the most satisfying ending and I am very picky about endings. - Lily, PJ Our Way Advisory Committee

May 01, 2024 09:21 AM
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Amazing book

Review by Duggos

This was an amazing book and I really liked it because there is not a lot of historical fiction books about Jews that aren’t just really depressing and about the holocaust

May 01, 2024 08:07 AM