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Great Read.

Review by TheUnicornSparkle

I would like it very much if PJ our way releases the prequel to this book Anya and the Dragon because this story takes place one year after the events of the first book. After the events of Anya and the Dragon, Anya sets out to bring her father home, but she and her companions Ivan and Hakon are sent to Kiev instead by Lena, and Hakon is turned into a human! The Tsar in Kiev asks them for a favor. If Anya brings him the Nightingale, he will help Anya find her father. The request seems straightforward at first, but upon finding the Nightingale, the Tsar's request doesn't seem so simple anymore. Now, Anya and her companions must uncover the real evil besetting Kiev's people, or they'll never find Anya's father, and won't get out with their lives. The Anya series is so interesting, well written, easy to understand and follow, yet it is very interesting, and the story is good.

Jun 11, 2023 01:33 AM
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Really a great book

Review by Mollito

I really liked this book, and it was really great, and I appreciated everything in it.

Jun 07, 2023 08:04 PM
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One of the best books ever!

Review by alohacat12

My mom introduced me to Anya and the Dragon when I was about 8 or 9, so I was so excited when I saw the sequel on PJ Our Way. It really was one of the best books I've ever read(And I've read a lot of books)! Chalk full with fantasy and adventure, I recommend it for ages 9-99!

Jun 01, 2023 07:16 PM
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Awesome Book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Review by marshmellow99

I read Anya and the Nightingale, along with Anya and the Dragon and LOVED the both. I recommend them for kids 9 - 13 or if you like girl power fantasy books.

May 10, 2023 02:17 PM
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Review by LadyB

was rlly boring

May 09, 2023 09:44 PM