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A Great Fiction Book That Teaches You Things

Review by mgorodhauser

Linked was a great book. You would probably like it if you like mysteries and when the story is told from all the main characters' perspectives. Even though it is a fiction book, it also includes non-fiction information that teaches you things. It goes in depth about how bad swastikas are and how many lives were lost in the Holocaust. There is also a good lesson: anything can be done if you put your and others’ minds to it. Finally, there was a twist at every turn. I hope you have a good read!

Jan 17, 2023 08:34 PM
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Good Book ?!

Review by MogenDavid

I haven't read the book yet but I saw this in the library one time and I just new it was gonna be good but then I wasn't aloud to get it so I came back the next day and it wasn't there!! so know I have found it on ~PJ Our Way~ thank you PJ Our Way!!

Jan 09, 2023 09:11 PM
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I love this book!!!!

Review by GoldenKittycat

This book is awesome! Recommend it for ages 10+

Jan 09, 2023 08:52 PM
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Extraordinary Book!

Review by LovesFoxes

This book is an excellent read! I was shocked at the twists and turns that occurred in the story. Some parts are funny while other parts were sad, angering, or happy. I think it is great and I give it 5/5 stars!

Jan 09, 2023 08:04 PM
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Great book

Review by ComicKid8

This book was amazing, (all of Korman's are) and though I would not recommend this book to children under 8 because there is some innaporate parts, such as the symbol used on the wall. Other than that, I think this book is great.

Jan 09, 2023 07:01 PM