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This book is OK

Review by SuperBookGirl

This is a short chapter book that I recommend for kids ages 8-9 years. I'm 11 years old, and it was kinda boring. This is a sequel to Pinky Bloom And The Case Of The Missing Kiddish Cup, which is a, by my standards, a better book. I recommend this book to kids ages 8-9 years.

Nov 01, 2022 04:30 PM
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Hilarious so funny 🤣

Review by LZO11

it was actually just in the middle for me cuz it i think was sophisticated

Oct 10, 2022 06:59 PM
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Pinky Bloom and the case of the silent shofar

Review by Melodika

I think it was really good it was interesting and I love mystery’s but I don’t really recommend it for anyone older than 10 years old

Oct 07, 2022 05:57 PM
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Pinky Bloom and the Case of Silent Shofar

Review by SpiritGirlTX

I liked this book because it was very interesting and I love mysteries.

Oct 01, 2022 09:06 PM
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Pinky Bloom and the case of the silent shofar 🔍

Review by bookchat

It was a good book, but it was kind of short. Pinky has a good adventure, but a few things get repeated from the other book of the adventures of Pinky Bloom.

Sep 30, 2022 05:52 PM