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Please read it is soo good

Review by klovesjesus

History and its really good

Sep 09, 2023 05:58 PM
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GET IT!!!!!!

Review by Artpuppygirl

I cannot explain how good this book is! It made me feel all kinds of emotions, it really felt like I was in the book. It was so good that even my grandma wanted to read it and she hasn’t read a book in years. If that isn’t enough to convince you to get it then I don’t know what will.

Sep 02, 2023 05:38 PM
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Review by EmeraldFox

It was good

Aug 25, 2023 09:48 AM
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Amazing 🤩

Review by VRVM

I loved this book so much! This was definitely one of my favorite books ever!

Jul 21, 2023 03:35 PM
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This is a GREAT book!

Review by MilkweedPuppy

This is one of my favorite PJ Library books ever! It was well written and a very interesting story. I enjoyed learning about Chernobyl and what life was like in the Soviet Union for Jewish people.

Jul 12, 2023 01:54 PM