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Review by yankusayev521

Love it

Jan 09, 2024 11:22 PM
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Awsome book!

Review by Kaykay13

This book shows that anyone and everyone can be friends and this book is great for little kids!

Jan 09, 2024 06:29 PM
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Good Book

Review by DrDee

I liked this book because it's about 2 friends who are different from each other...

Jan 09, 2024 03:13 PM
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Shield of the Maccabees

Review by rocketreader

It is a quick read which is nice. It shows that diversity is good, Definetely recommend it for budding readers! I loved the ending! YOU MUST GET IT! (if you don't already have it)

Jan 08, 2024 07:44 PM
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Shield of the Maccabees

Review by pjdog

Good book, would recommend. Sometimes people can relate to bullying which is NOT ok No bullying at all. It was hard for the jews at Hanukkah time. They were told not to study torah, speak Hebrew, or do holiday sabbaths. then the Enemies were told to destroy the temple. And the Jews fought back. Luckily they won. then the temple was already destroyed. and they only had enough oil for one night but it lasted eight nights, giving the Jews more time to get more oil. Good book. Teaches you about Hannukah. 5/5 Book, really good, Would recommend to anyone who likes Hannukah, And Graphic Novels.

Jan 08, 2024 04:41 PM