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the SUN🔆

Review by SalDove

It’s a good book . It’s about a girl who went to school and thought her friend was going to come buuuutt she didn’ I don’t want to spoil it for you, but I just wanted to say that you should get it!!🙃

Oct 10, 2023 09:06 PM
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The sun will come out

Review by Ellieprincess

I loved this book. I liked all the adventures and I can't even put it into words it was just so cool.

Oct 09, 2023 04:20 PM
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The sun will come out⛅️

Review by ChavaMR

This book was creepy but cool

Oct 06, 2023 07:45 AM
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Review by RafiJS

When I read the book in camp it was fun to laugh at how bad of a time Bea was having in the best place on earth.

Oct 05, 2023 07:48 PM
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My fav book

Review by RafiJS

The sun will come out is my fav book! I love how Bea takes on so many problems.

Oct 05, 2023 07:44 PM