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Review by EmmaRuth

This book is funny and entertaining, but it's also very useful and teaches you how to do many things. It's really good!

Jun 06, 2021 06:59 PM
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How to be a mensch

Review by Brutus2016

It helps you improve with skills in being a child.

Jun 05, 2021 04:43 PM
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pretty good book

Review by pandabear8

I think that this is a really good book. It includes how to do the laundry and some recipes too.

Jun 05, 2021 08:19 AM
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Love it!

Review by Threatle

It is very useful. I read it a hundred times, and I'm not bored yet! It is very funny too.

Jun 04, 2021 10:06 PM
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How to be a Mensch

Review by MotherofFilthy

Do you want to clean the bathroom? Do you want to make chicken? Well, How to be a Mensch tells you how to do a lot of things! It's a great book and you totally should read it to learn how to be more helpful at home. It shows you how to cook, it shows you how to do many knots, and it's just a helpful book around the house and other places. (And the chocolate cake recipe was really good!)

Jun 04, 2021 06:06 PM