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How to be a Mensch

Review by Fatcat21

This is a really good book and it helps you with a lot of things. It gives you lots of good tips like how to take care of a pet and how to roast a chicken. I used the tip about the right amount of food to feed my fish and how to be a good guest when you are at someone's house.

Jul 01, 2021 04:44 PM
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Good. Read it

Review by LordCM325

I really liked this book, but I wish there were more categories

Jul 01, 2021 04:36 PM
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Good book

Review by Sah86

I finished reading.

Jun 30, 2021 10:33 AM
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I made a great cake!

Review by izzykizzy

I finished reading how to be a Mensch by Catherine Newman. I baked a cake, made a salad and I set the table for Shabbat using her instructions, and now everyone likes me more. When I made the cake I shared it with my friends and family and it was a big hit. My dad said I was an uber mensch. I really like the chapter on how to save money in a Jewish way, so I've been saving money for a donation to PJ library. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn how to be a good person in their world.

Jun 29, 2021 01:13 PM
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Helps me be a better me.

Review by Sambo

I am not good at most of the stuff in the book so I think How to Be a Mensch can help me Learn!

Jun 12, 2021 06:46 AM