I love this book. It teaches you really interesting life skills everyone needs to know!
Amazing! I learned so much things from it! It made me a better person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(!)
I love this book, just like a graphic novel, lots of pictures and diagrams. My mom was so happy when I started setting the table properly and helping out around the house.
How To Be A Mensch is SUCH A GOOD BOOK!!! Some bits of it are really silly, but it also gives a lot of great advice for people who are organized, people who like cooking, people who often do mitzvot, and people in general! This book has cooking tips, camping advice, ideas for mitzvahs to do every now and then, and really useful life skills that could even help adults! This book is also sort of silly, so it definitely kept me entertained. I love How To Be A Mensch, and I recommend it 10 out of 10!
if you want to learn how to do basic things like, do the luandry, mop, sweep, take out the trash, make a thank you note, take care of pets, and you can even learn to cook a FAMILY DINNER!!! ( with chocolate cake included!!!) Any way I recommend this book for series mitzva girls and boys. ENJOY!!!!