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a immagrenit story and history filping back at us in the book.

Review by jmariner22

There are sad and good parts sad, her little becoming deaf. good when she helped with the horse's after the fire.

Jul 02, 2021 04:37 PM
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The Woodcarver's Daughter

Review by bekahoost

I would definitely recommend this book; it was really interesting! When I first saw it, I did not think I would like it, but reading it definitely changed my mind! The book is about a girl named Batya who loves to carve, but only boys can. When she flees to New York with her family, she hopes things will be different, but they aren't. I like this book because Batya isn't afraid to stand up and show people what she can do.

Jul 01, 2021 08:04 PM
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Girl power

Review by sushiritos

I like how the girl has determination even though in that book girls don't have jobs and are expected to take care of the home. I like that she sticks with what she loves even when she's being prevented from doing it.

Jul 01, 2021 05:45 PM
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Review by sdreading


Jul 01, 2021 05:25 PM
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So Good

Review by flowerchild2012

This is a sad ,but cool book.

Jul 01, 2021 05:01 PM