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Review by Anna8

TO EASYFOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 15, 2022 05:00 PM
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Review by bookwormcat

I liked the plot, and the story was good. But It was kinda boring, I would reread it though, AND I wouldn't mind a second book.

May 10, 2022 02:48 PM
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Very good

Review by LEF

You should read this book because it is very good. It is about two girls that go to camp at the community center and both of there parents sign them up for a camp they don't want. The mix up is they decide to switch camps.

May 03, 2022 03:58 PM
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Review by HBear2021

This is one of the best books I have ever read. It is about a girl, Sydney A. Frankel, and her best friend, Maggie. Their mothers have forced them to do a class at the local community center. Sydney’s mother really wants her to do it so she can come out of her shell for the new school year. Sydney and Maggie really don’t want to do it, especially because their mothers won’t let them do the classes they want to do- dance and reading. They know they have to do it though, or else- no phone! On top of that, Sydney’s mother is going to have a baby, Sydney’s old neighbour Warren moves back in, and Maggie convinces her to switch places in the classes. Will Sydney make it through the summer, or will her perfect summer end up as an epic fail? Read this amazing book to find out!

May 02, 2022 08:35 PM
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Pretty good

Review by flowersnahal

I liked this book. It's about these 2 best friends who are both signed up for camps that they don't like. However, they both wish they had what the other one had. So, they decide to switch. It gets very hard to remember who knows what!

Apr 03, 2022 03:52 PM