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Best book ever

Review by Ematatov11

I love this book so much I have read it about a thousand times by now

Apr 05, 2021 11:05 PM
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👍😀👍It's so good

Review by Kootenay1

I LOVE the book its such a good story and it fits in with actual history.

Apr 05, 2021 05:02 PM
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Loved it

Review by AwesomeTiger99

This was an amazing book! I loved reading it. It was so interesting. It gives a new twist to the story of Esther. You get to hear about what it would be like to be a slave in the time of Queen Esther. I would not recommend this book to younger readers or people who have very strong sympathy. It is a little scary and they tell you about the hard things that Darya had to go through in her life. It was overall a very fun and interesting book. I read through it in less than a week and loved it.

Apr 05, 2021 04:23 PM
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Awesome book could not put down

Review by Unicornflower

Perfect for reading before bed there are all of the good story types romance, adventure, mystery, friendship, surprises, and history. It is a must read book.

Apr 04, 2021 09:14 PM
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Not my style

Review by catlady8

This was an enjoyable book at first but then things started to go downhill.

Apr 02, 2021 02:34 PM