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so good but very sad

Review by StarwhalJ

this book really reminds you to be grateful for everything you have and shows that even in the hardest times you need to push through

Apr 08, 2022 01:30 PM
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Best PJ Our Way book

Review by MaddieMoo1

Best PJ Our Way book. Ridiculously, insanely good!!!

Apr 04, 2022 10:11 PM
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One of my fav books!

Review by pupper3842

This book is so good. It is the story of Purim in the view of 12-17 year old Darya. This book was so good and I completely loved the end you should totally read this book!

Apr 01, 2022 05:32 PM
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Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Review by pupper3842

The first time i read it I thought eh this book is just okay. the second time I read it I thought OMG THIS BOOK IS SOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME/GOOD!I recomended it to all of my friends and now i'm recomending it to you. you should totally read this!

Apr 01, 2022 05:25 PM
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Soooooooooooooo AMAZING!

Review by ymr18

I love it so much! I read it so many times and couldn't put it down. I highly recommend it

Mar 09, 2022 07:55 PM