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Review by saber123

I think this book is GRRRRREAT it really stood out above the other's in the series I would read the others first THEN THIS ONE NOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan 05, 2017 09:57 PM
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Review by Hadassah

Jan 04, 2017 10:20 PM
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Review by bloom324

I think you should read book! In this book Mirka has to babysit her little sister Layele. She's just trying to go on a normal adventure but they meet a magic fish who had also known Mirkas stepmother Fruma. Because of a thing that happened with Fruma the fish captures Layele. Mirka has to save Layele as well as the rest of her family. Can she? Read this book to find out!

Jan 03, 2017 09:34 PM
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sounds good!!!!!!!!!!!

Review by Owls

That sounds interesting, Ari!!! I think I'm gonna get that!!!

Jan 01, 2017 05:32 PM
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REALLY liked this book

Review by ilovebooks!

I HAVE read the other Mirka books! They are all awesome! I wish I could enter two choices in one category. It made me think about the importance of family AND friends! But all the characters (that are human, at least) are family, so family fits more. But the book is awesome, so who cares!? Rivka, age 10

Jan 01, 2017 02:27 PM