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awesome awesome awesome!!!

Review by Holasoydekuuuuu

This book has some cool fantasy stuff and is very interesting. I love it so much it's hard to put down! I decided to read the rest of series but I like this book the best. And I also like it takes place in a Jewish community. It just is AWESOME!!! :)

May 01, 2017 07:12 PM
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It was awesome!!!!

Review by dancer20

first it was a little ward, but then it was INCREDABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apr 14, 2017 02:57 PM
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Review by greatartist

I loved this book even though she was kind of mean to her half sister.T his book was sooooooooo good that i read it in at least 20 minutes. I recommend this book very highly.

Apr 13, 2017 03:17 PM
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This book was fine, but a little strange and confusing at times.

Review by ilovepugs

This book was exciting, action-packed, and dramatic, but it had some parts that were unclear. Also, it was a little TOO dramatic. And too full of feelings. Unhapy feelings. So I'd only reccomend reading this if you like drama and strong feelings. But it's a little fun to read, though. This is how much I like this book: :\ Which is: Sort Of.

Apr 10, 2017 09:44 PM
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5 star adventures ROCK

Review by Lovekitties

This book ROCKS so much I love magic and teleportation WOW

Apr 10, 2017 03:46 PM