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Review by clarik

It was very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very BAD!!!!!!!

Jun 04, 2021 09:48 AM
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Creative and fun!

Review by Treehugger10

I liked this book a lot, and while it was fantasy, there was so much more to it!

May 10, 2021 04:10 PM
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I Love this book!

Review by curlycute

I always read this book over and over again! This book is about a girl named Mirka she is a Orthodox Jewish girl. She has to babysit her little step sister.

May 06, 2021 06:13 PM
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I loved this book!

Review by Pup

Once I started reading this book I couldn’t put it down. When I finished reading this book I immediately wanted to read the next book in this series. It’s about a sister saving her younger sister. I recommend this book if you like action, adventure, or graphic novels.

Apr 02, 2021 07:59 PM
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An Interesting Series

Review by ctwander

This series of books is full of interesting stories. I had read several of these from the library, so I was exited to get to pick one out from PJ Our Way.

Feb 07, 2021 07:41 PM