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Review by Tatalinda

This is the the type of book I was looking for!!!!!!!!!

Mar 07, 2018 09:43 PM
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This book is one of the best!

Review by DJlovenica

Jussy's best friend, Mac, has given up chocolate for Lent. But Jussy is Jewish, not Catholic. Jussy loves chocolate and doesn't think God wants her to make that kind of sacrifice. So, she decides she wants to be Catholic, and gives up being Jewish for Lent. She turns her closet into an confessional, telling her sins to Father Ted, otherwise known as a teddy bear. She tells no one that she is Catholic. But, when her Bubbe suffers a stroke, Jussy thinks her Catholicism is the cause of it. Worse, she must live her life without Bubbe, the one person who actually understands her. Now Jussy must decide, Catholic, or Jewish? This book is great because it includes, happiness 🤗, sadness 😭, and even romance 😙 !

Mar 07, 2018 06:54 AM
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Review by fpopper

was so good! Made me think a lot about the book.

Mar 04, 2018 04:45 PM
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This book was a disappiontment!

Review by sheebabear10

I read the comments which made me want to read it. When I got it I was so excited, but when I read it,oh the confusion! There were no pictures, 15 chapters, a curse word, and a lot of drama !Never ever ever ever ever ever EVER read this book {that was a total waste of my time when I could be doing something else}!

Mar 03, 2018 09:27 PM
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I loved it😍😍😍😍😍😍

Review by booklover31

I teaches me the importance of being Jewish and my family

Mar 03, 2018 03:22 PM