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This was an okay book

Review by 123magicalbooks

Justine just moved to a strange town and finally finds a friend in school and her friend Mac is Catholic and Justine decides to give up being Jewish for Lent. When her bubbe dies she has tried Catholicism, Buddhism, and Judiasm again. She is a teenager trying to find out who she is. I liked this book but I thought she was too much a stereotypical American teenage girl. Read this book if you like that kind of girl.

Jul 03, 2018 09:40 PM
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The best

Review by bobo

After I read the book I made up with my best friend because it made me think about how important friendship/ friends are.

Jun 26, 2018 09:20 PM
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Really Great

Review by SashaDog

This book made me feel sorrow for the the main character Justine. I loved it! It was sad at times, funny at others, and happy at other times. Over all awesome!

Jun 10, 2018 06:00 PM
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The best book!!

Review by bookwormfamily

This is the best book I ever read! It was so cool to have an author write about a girl who is Jewish but thinks about being Catholic. I also think it was awesome how it makes the girl kinta stalky and not skinny. This book sounds like a real thing that happened.

Jun 10, 2018 04:57 PM
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Review by chocolatedonut

I loved this book so much! I read it so many times I have it practically memorized. It tought me about friendship!

Jun 08, 2018 01:14 PM