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great but sad

Review by LunaLovegood28

I book was really great. It was also really short. I liked it but if you don't like sad books I wouldn't recommend it. I also thought it was cool how the author chose to tell the story in the form of a graphic novel.

Feb 01, 2018 07:12 PM
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Review by BK123

Hidden is a good book to read.

Jan 13, 2018 04:11 PM
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Review by RedmoonLegend

I thought it was really good because it put you in the shoes of a Jewish girl in the 1920's and how she felt. Also, Mr. Pericard has one fine mustache!!!

Jan 05, 2018 09:04 PM
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SO Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Review by YellowGirl

It was super good. I wish it was longer. It was about a Jewish grandmother, who in the middle of the night, tells her granddaughter about her holocost survival memories. Lots of action!!

Jan 03, 2018 09:37 PM
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Very good story line. Very enjoyable.

Review by gusthedog

Jan 03, 2018 08:32 PM