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Review by Gamegoblin

It was ok but it didn't have enough words to explain everything

Feb 05, 2023 03:36 PM
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Really good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Review by denathe234

I did not actually get this but my sister has it and I've read it like a gazillion times

Feb 02, 2023 08:59 PM
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Hidden is pretty good!

Review by StarSquiggle

This is a very strong story about a girl during the Holocaust and how she coped. I strongly recommend this book. It is a bit depressing and i don't recommend it if you are sensitive, and Iliked this book a lot. Ages 11+

Feb 02, 2023 06:46 PM
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Cute book

Review by Slytherin

I read it 1 night at my cousins house. It was pretty good. I reccamend.

Feb 01, 2023 10:45 PM
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Sometimes the truth means everything...-GREAT book!

Review by BusDriverBuggie5

One night, young Elsa hears her grandma, Dounia, sniffiling in the living room. What could possibly be so bothersome? Creeping into the room, Elsa finally learns her Grandma's past and what things was like for the Jews back during the Natzi invasion. Elsa quickly discovers the truth to her grandmothers back story and is stunned by how Dounia lived when she was Elsa's age. Follow both girls as Elsa learns about what it really was like back then. Awesome book-written comic style so that everybody will love it!

May 10, 2022 06:01 PM