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Review by specialartgirl12

I love Hidden. It was a good book and had good illustrations. I recommend to read this book.

Mar 13, 2023 11:41 PM
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Review by EJ_1226

Because it’s a graphic novel, it made it easier to read and helped me learn more about the Holocaust.

Mar 13, 2023 11:04 PM
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Review by Oriana9

I LOVED IT!!!!!!! the illistrations were beautiful, and it was a great way to learn more about world war 2 . I love to learn about other people's lives during the war.It was discribed very nicely and I really recomened it.

Mar 13, 2023 09:12 PM
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Review by MiriYum

Great book! I loved how it ended; happy endings are usually good. Go PJ Our way!

Mar 13, 2023 08:29 PM
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Review by SFN0324

I liked it because I LOVE comic books and this was a good one. I liked the story part. It was very interesting.

Mar 13, 2023 04:20 PM