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Pretty good

Review by MACH

It was a good book and I like how it will keep making you want to read more

Mar 02, 2021 08:09 PM
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Really good book

Review by AlphaLuna

I really loved this book. It is really funny. If you have not read this book, you should!

Mar 02, 2021 05:58 PM
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Review by readerthatskates

It was a good book, but not for my age group. Good for 11-12 year-old boys.

Mar 02, 2021 05:08 PM
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Noah green saves the world

Review by MookieOoh

It was so so. It was not adventurous.

Mar 02, 2021 03:43 PM
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Good Book: Noah Green Saves The World

Review by Capitalkid

It was a good book and I didn't know there was a asteroid in the 1950s. Also, I going to sleepaway camp this summer for the first time, so it was cool to read a sleepaway camp book.

Feb 26, 2021 10:19 AM