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Very interesting. A MUST READ!

Review by Riley

This was a very fun and thrilling adventure of $$$, staying, family, and ..............SWEEPSTAKES! Loved it!

Mar 01, 2016 07:15 PM
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good but kind of sad

Review by plumberry

the book was great but when they added in his father dining and stuff my mother took it away because i was reading to lat but i could not put it down i had to know what would happen next like if he would keep the apartment or not if he would get toilet paper or not i got it because of the title the title is deceiving no one dies but the father especially not by toilet paper my hebrew teacher is going to do a whole class on the end of the book with hebrew to english dictionary

Mar 01, 2016 04:19 PM
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Took a positive spin on a tricky situation

Review by bookworm_right_here

This book made me think more about how lucky I am to have two parents with good jobs. A couple of times this book almost had me crying, it was so sad and I felt for the character. At times it was also really funny. I would totally recommend it.

Mar 01, 2016 12:34 PM
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I really liked this book!

Review by alexandrameira

My favorite part was when they made the toilet paper dress at the end. The book made me want to enter a sweepstakes contest!

Feb 23, 2016 03:45 PM
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Review by Music

this is a cool but sad book

Feb 14, 2016 06:26 PM