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I enjoyed it a lot.

Review by Pikachu2

I liked this book a lot. The funniest part is when the mail lady said, "Looks like you won a 10 year supply of..." and then Zeyde said, "Toilet Paper!"

Jul 25, 2017 08:05 PM
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Review by curlywaffle

I loved that there was a new fact about toilet paper at the beginning of every chapter. This book is amazing!

Jul 10, 2017 08:28 PM
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Review by goblinghost256

What a sad book!

Jul 10, 2017 07:03 PM
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MY FAV !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Review by FunGrrl


Jul 09, 2017 08:33 PM
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Great read

Review by jojobook1

This book is one of the best. It is well written, though out may be slow at first by the middle you just can't put it down. It talks about the struggle of his not so perfect life.

Jul 06, 2017 04:13 PM