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Review by epicpenguin

This was definitely one of my favorite books, would definitely recommend it.

Mar 04, 2018 03:35 PM
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My death by toilet paper journey...

Review by babycakes

This was one of the best books I ever read.My brother told me to get it and I'm so happy he did.If you can get this book get it. It will change your life.

Feb 06, 2018 06:26 PM
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Really 4 and a half stars

Review by mathmaster

If I were able to give this book four and a half stars, I would give it that many stars.

Jan 24, 2018 12:43 PM
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Review by hrosikessel

I think that it is a great book, even though it is not as silly as it sounds on the cover. You should definitely read this book! You should read this book if you like good books, and if you are one of those people who stays up late reading if it is a good, you will stay up all night reading it. It is not hard to read, but is not to good for younger kids. I agree that it is ages 10+

Jan 09, 2018 08:58 PM
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Review by eklscribe

This book was really good. It made me really thankful that I have soft toilet paper, and that I'm not a 7th grade boy who has a lot of bullies in the P.E locker room. I don't even have a P.E locker room!

Jan 02, 2018 04:24 PM