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Review by MagicalAnimal8

Your know how your parents and grown-up relatives embarrass your and annoy you sometimes? Well, that's what happens in this book. Ben's Zeyde comes to visit and annoys Ben. Ben likes learning how to make toilet paper things off the internet, but his Zeyde is using all the toilet paper! Then, they don't have enough $$$ to pay the rent for their apartment, much less toilet paper! Read this AMAZINGLY AWESOME book to find out what happens!

Jun 02, 2018 05:22 PM
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Review by MagicalAnimal8

I didn't choose this book but read it. It's super good. A boy's Zeyde is living with him and it annoys the boy. I would read this book again if I got the chance.

Apr 04, 2018 08:50 AM
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Great book, Very Exciting

Review by ZMan456

I really liked this book because it had a lot of action and it wasn't very predictable. I loved it when it looked like they were going to lose their apartment but he still had a positive attitude and stuck with it to save the apartment.

Apr 03, 2018 08:41 PM
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funny exciting !!

Review by LetItBe

I think it was funny that he made the toilet paper dress !

Mar 07, 2018 07:16 PM
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Not my Favorite but Okay

Review by FelineFriend

This book was not my favorite because I couldn't relate to Benjamin (the main character). He seems kind of immature because he keeps selling candy in school when he knows he could get suspended. However, if you like books where the character is under a lot of pressure to do something they can't do, you might like Death by Toilet Paper.

Mar 07, 2018 05:37 PM