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Really Funny!

Review by smiley05

This was a very funny book. My favorite character is Ace.

Dec 09, 2015 04:52 PM
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Aces wild!!

Review by enpointe

I loved this book because it was really cool and it was also very exciting because sometimes when i read it i have to stop at the exciting parts and then i went back and finished it i think it is a really good book and you should read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 06, 2015 07:11 PM
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Review by bookworm_right_here

I started reading it, and it was so boring I closed the book and went on to something else. Nothing happens. Someone else might come along and like it, especialy the dog lovers, but I found it rather disapointing. I've read better.

Nov 29, 2015 06:21 PM
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Great sequel!

Review by Narwhal Lover

Like "when life gives you OJ", "aces wild" was great. Funny, entertaining, and people can really relate to it. I love ace, the dog and the person. They are really great characters that make up a really great story about a girl who gets her dream dog, and finds him harder to manage than she thought.

Oct 09, 2015 06:59 PM
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Review by gymnast56

I think Aces Wild was a great story and you should definitely read it. The only bad part about it is that if you don't read When Life Gives You Oj you don't really understand it as much. Thanks for reading this book!

Oct 07, 2015 05:40 PM