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Review by MaisyRocks

This book is packed full of adventure and suspense. I would recommend this book to a lot of people.

Aug 06, 2020 02:28 PM
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Amazing book!

Review by 1lovetoread

This is one of the best books ever! It's so suspenseful and thrilling I could barely put it down!

Aug 04, 2020 12:38 PM
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Best book in the whole world

Review by Nica

It has every thing a mystery book should have I personaly do prefer reading mystery but this Is the best mystery book I have ever read.

Aug 03, 2020 07:33 PM
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Review by narova

This is the best book on my shelf (not including harry potter of course)! I recommend this to anyone whether they like mysteries or not. Please choose this book, I promise you will enjoy it no matter what.😁 Not one bit scary for those who are wondering(and that's some thing because I'm a scaredy cat). It's also the only book that I have felt the need to leave a review on😋

Aug 03, 2020 06:13 PM
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Best mystery I've ever read

Review by agatha

This book had everything you would want in a mystery. It had friendship, thrills, suspense, and it was amazingly hard to guess the end! I am always bored with mysteries because I can always guess the bad guy and the ending, but with this book, there were so many twists that even I was taken along on the ride. Spectacular! Please take my advice and choose this book. I promise you, you won't regret it!

Jul 10, 2020 07:14 PM