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Awesome book

Review by Buds98

Five stars on this book read this book now it is amazing 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🥳🥳🥳🧐😃😃😃😃😃

Dec 03, 2021 01:53 PM
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Review by AwesomeTiger99

This is an exciting book about new surroundings, (and friends) and exciting puzzles. I love the twist at the end!

Dec 02, 2021 09:55 PM
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Review by rikih

It was a great book! I lent to my friend after I read it and she loved it too!

Dec 02, 2021 08:50 PM
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Review by danielleparr

Though I do not play video games I keep going back and back again to read this book it's amazing! This book is for video game escape artists, normal civilians, insane parents,and adventure seekers. Happy reading!

Dec 02, 2021 12:21 PM
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Review by LilB

This book was so good and I was so sad when it ended. I read it twice. Totally recommend.

Dec 01, 2021 05:14 PM