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An exciting page turner!

Review by rg42

The story was so great and really made you feel you are part of Shirli. You are always wondering and discovering right along with her. She is playing the roll of the mom in her school's production of Fiddler on the Roof but while searching in her grandpa's attic for props, she finds a violin and poster that, she will find, may let her discover a hard past that her Zayde has suffered. It's an exciting story with twists and turns you will never see coming!

Feb 07, 2022 07:47 PM
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Great Heartwarming Story

Review by MetsFan28

I have read this book tons of times. It is really good. Broken Strings is the story of Shirli's relationship with her grandfather and the kids in her school. If you are looking to learn about the holocaust and a little about Fiddler on the Roof, this book is for you. Also, the end is very sweet...

Jan 04, 2022 10:52 AM
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"Broken Strings" was a story that broke my heart and glued it back together again with joy

Review by starfish1308

'Broken Strings' is a realistic and somewhat historical fiction novel written by Eric Walters and Kathy Kacer. The story takes place in current times and the two main characters are Shirli, a middle schooler who loves to sing and desperately wants the lead role in her school musical and Shirli’s Zadie (her grandfather) a quiet man with a deep dark secret about his past. Towards the beginning of the story, much to her disappointment, we learn that Shirlie doesn’t actually get the lead role in the musical, Fiddler on the Roof, she ends up getting the role of the Jewish mother and Shirly is not happy about this at all, but like most books, this story is full of twists and surprises. "Broken Strings" is a beautiful book and it broke my heart to see it end. The story inspired me to be curious and joyful all the time. I recommend Broken Strings to young readers interested in learning more about the Holocaust and how it affected the people involved.

Jan 03, 2022 10:23 PM
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Broken Strings

Review by EmeraldFox

Definitely worth your time.

Nov 08, 2021 04:21 PM
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best book ever

Review by Sara8

this book is so good it made me cry. this is a book about a girl named shirli who is going out for the school play. she goes out for the role of holden but gets a different role instead. even though she is disappointed she decides to embrace her role, so she goes to her grandpas attic to look for props and well lets just say dust is not the only thing she finds!

Nov 06, 2021 04:53 PM