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Review by Crazymonkeygirl

I would give this book a million stars if I could! As a person who has always loved musical theater (especially Fiddler on the Roof), it was really touching! The history this book teaches is very remarkable. If you're looking for a new book to read, you should totally pick this one!

Sep 03, 2020 03:26 PM
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I would give it 100 stars if I could but, I can only give it 5.

Review by ybrown328

It was so good you should really get this book.

Aug 25, 2020 09:58 AM
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A beautiful, meaningful, and emotional book, that shows kindness and teamwork.

Review by myusername123

This book remind us that we are all humans and should be treated the same way as one another. That we are all special, and need to let go of the past and move on. This book also talks about how music can change your life-how you can hear or see things differently-and how we are all one team. Shirli's, Mom, Dad, and brother would help "a team player" by getting groceries and clean up the house a little bit, even when they visit, to make their Zayde happy, how Natasha would get Ben to sit at there table or talk with Shirli, even when when Mindi got a cold, Shirli was there telling her about teas and medicines. This is a historical book with a normal teenage girl's life mixed into it. This book is not boring. It might be historical, but it is interesting and heartfelt. This book could actually be someones' story. I recommend it. ESPECIALLY if you like Geronimo or Thea Stilton, The Thea sisters, or/and Tamora Pierce books. This is the best Jewish history book I have ever read, By Far.

Aug 19, 2020 02:52 PM
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Emotional. You should totally read this!

Review by chubbybunny

This book was really emotional for me, especially as a jew. It is not exactly based on a true story but it has stories (though not true ones) of what it was like to live through the Holocaust as a child and have your whole family dead. It was very sad but important. It shows how music can be absolutely joyous or a death soundtrack. It is fiction and I do believe it is historical fiction. The only reason I did not practically break down in tears is probably because I do not tend to cry all the time. It is very emotional. I would definitely recommend it.😭 💔

Aug 06, 2020 09:32 AM
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Review by glitterstar911

I never thouht a book could be so interesting and exciting! I'm getting this book even though I have read it many times. You should GET THIS BOOK!!!

Jul 09, 2020 03:20 PM