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Cool Book!

Review by Merhoney

I think this is a really great book. The characters are fun, and the plot was perfect. Also, I love Pinky and Lucy's friendship. I thought it was really sweet that Pinky helped find out who was ruining Lucy's parents restaurant. I agree with smithychild. The case is really complicated and I agree that it gets down to the amazing ending. Another person I agree with is EllieBelly2011. I think the book is awesome ,and I would totally recommend this book to readers that love action and mystery

Nov 04, 2022 08:37 PM
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Review by EllieBelly2011

Love it! I would totally recommend it!

Sep 01, 2022 04:45 PM
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this was great!

Review by Louis

it was awesome with twist and turns! good job whoever made this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 10, 2022 12:53 PM
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Review by TerrificTT

I like mystery's🔍 there sooo cool,lol😂like this book.

Jul 04, 2022 12:21 PM
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Good book

Review by smithychild

A very good and interesting mystery. The case is really complicated but it gets down to a really cool ending.

Jun 09, 2022 08:09 PM