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Great book!

Review by Rainbowcat11

This book was really good and I definitely recommend it for anyone who likes graphic novels and/or realistic fiction books.

Apr 01, 2021 10:21 PM
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Loved it!

Review by Em11

I loved all the drama and where Brianna says "Ok" to her mom about a bat mitzvah and then she freaks out!!! Hope you liked it to! -Emily!

Apr 01, 2021 07:27 PM
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I LOVE THE BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Review by Momof10

My friends borrowed it and LOVED it I even got invisible Emmie!!!!!!!!!!! (Another Emmie +friend book)

Apr 01, 2021 03:14 PM
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Review by YoungWriter

Becoming Brianna is an amazing book! It is a little confusing at first... but I finally got the hang of it! This book helps me b/c I’m having mine soon! Happy reading 📖

Apr 01, 2021 10:11 AM
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pretty good

Review by KitKat24

I liked it but I think that it would ha ve been better if it was just comic.

Mar 22, 2021 11:55 AM