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Review by Bookworm96

This book was very funny. I normally don’t like graphic novels, but this one was REALLY good. I have no complaints.

May 03, 2021 06:57 PM
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Becoming Briana

Review by ART10

This book was truly amazing, and you should totally read it.

May 03, 2021 05:08 PM
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Becoming Brianna

Review by Rollsy8

I love it its one of my favorite books!

May 01, 2021 08:54 PM
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Great book

Review by Unicorn6

fun book

Apr 20, 2021 02:20 PM
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Great book!

Review by Banana11

It made me want to continue and I finished the rest of the series as soon as I found it!

Apr 14, 2021 11:28 AM