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Graphic Novel!

Review by MBR

If you love this book like me, here's a fun fact, it ties along with a whole series of graphic novels! This was a very entertaining read and definitely a page turner! I would highly recommend this book to graphic novel lovers, like me!

Mar 02, 2022 09:07 PM
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Becoming Jewish. Becoming Brianna.

Review by BusDriverBuggie5

Poor Brianna, always hating to be in the center of attention, and it's about to get worse. Bri is just getting ready to have a Bat Mitzvah! That means getting hair done, hiring party supplies, party planners, and reserving the temple, and worst for Brianna, practicing and getting ready to be in the temple spotlight! Brianna also is starting to gain some more friends at school-especially the popular ones, but that just means more last minute party invitations, and more eyes watching Bri! Brianna needs to overcome her fear, and light up when the Hebrew spotlight comes to her. I recommend this book to comic lovers, and anyone who loves a good read like I do! This book is great though for upcoming Bat Mitzvah's! I guarantee this book will make your Bat Mitzvah a letter better! Read becoming Brianna, as Bri begins her real, becoming Jewish journey!

Feb 07, 2022 06:55 PM
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Review by Creativecook

This is a really fun book to read! I love how it switches tense!

Feb 01, 2022 07:31 PM
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Ive read this a ton of times!

Review by Daner1231

Its really good.

Jan 10, 2022 09:55 PM
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Review by Addiefeld

I read this book a few years ago and, to this day, it’s still my favorite book!!!! I read the rest of the series, and loved them, too, but this is still my favorite. You HAVE to get this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan 07, 2022 07:47 PM